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“Turn on the brains!”: Why do we remember our teachers?

By October 20, 2023December 22nd, 2023No Comments

At school, we do not really think about the fact that teachers are ordinary people with their problems, advantages and disadvantages. And only many years later we realize that some of their words and actions were a valuable lesson for us, although they were not related to the curriculum. Today, on the day of the teacher, our heroes share stories about teachers who are remembered by him for life.

They say that school memories are fading over time. But we remember individual teachers so brightly and vividly, as if we talked with them just the other day. What is most interesting, this does not always mean that they were loved or outstanding teachers. Why do we remember them?

Marina, 47 years old, freelancer

“Tatyana Vladimirovna taught us a physics, which I hated with all my humanitarian nature and therefore did not study fundamentally. Accordingly, it seemed to me that the “physician” fiercely hates me. In addition, she drove off the painted high school students to wash in the back room. This was generally the height of arbitrariness!

Once Tatyana left me after the lesson and one of my classmates for conversation. Naturally, we thought that now we would get “for plaster” again! And she … very tactfully and delicately explained that our attempts to mask teenage acne with a thick layer of tonal cream “Ballet” look somewhat sad. And she told how to properly care for problematic skin “.

Elena, 50 years old, translator, English teacher

“My institute head of the department was an extraordinary person. In pairs, he suddenly began to ask something that did not apply to the subject. I joked quite sarcastically, as they say, “on the verge”. Was harmful, in short. Well, we did not miss the opportunity to “prick” him on all sorts of KVN and day of the student. They knew that he would perceive everything adequately and would not take revenge. The maximum will say its crown: “Turn on the brains!”.

I really appreciated it when I myself began to work at the same department. If something was wrong, he took us, newly made teachers, aside, quietly said: “Turn on the brains” and explained what we are wrong in. Moreover, he made remarks exclusively in the presence of the same young or alone, and not even at senior colleagues. Then we accidentally learned how he defended us at all sorts of academic councils.

Once we were going to exclude a negligent, but generally normal student for poor performance. And the head of the Council stopped us: “Now we will drive it now, and what will happen to him? Sucks, starts to all heavy “. He, of course, did not pull the loafers. But if someone stumbled, he was always on the side of the student “.

Vladimir, 35 years old, programmer

“I would not say that the school was a continuous

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nightmare for me, but very few warm memories. But I remember how it struck me that the first teacher of my son calls all children only by name. Thirty people! Is it because they have such a friendly class? And we were always called by the teachers by last name, the name was remembered only in rare cases “.


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